Monday, January 30, 2023

The owls, the tree, the message


(Above is a photo taken by Fathom13... "I felt directed to notice how the image of an owl appears not only on this tree but many trees. I agree this is a bit of pareidolia or takes more of an imagination to see it, but it doesn't mean something you notice or are directed towards can't be a sign. I was surprised I hadn't noticed them sooner, they were everywhere once I saw the first.")

The following is copied off my first search of the internet in seeing if their was information about any biblical ties to the owl. Here is what I immediately found in the form of an article or words from someone named Roy Roden:

"The bald eagle is often used as a symbol for the prophetic ministry. But Owls are also prophetic in nature. Although the Owl has been used as an evil omen, God created the Owl as well as the Eagle. In light of this, I heard a major prophet state that the new prophetic symbol would be the Owl. I believe this to be true.  

   Those who use their spiritual gifts to glorify God have traits that one can associate with the Owl. Owls can see in the dark. With night vision they see the unseen, that which is hidden. They can distinguish their prey in virtually no light. Launching from their unsuspecting height, they silently strike to capture their prey before it even knows what happened.

   Like the Owl that can distinguish its’ prey in the dark, prophetic vision can also see those that belong to the Father that are in the dark, and those being called to come to the light. They recognize those whom the Lord has chosen, and through a prophetic word, reveal the calling that God has placed upon their life.

      We are living in the time when darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people (Is. 60:2). With the nature of an Owl, I believe God is raising up a people with more acute sight than the Eagle. A prophetic people that God is training and mobilizing as a special force. A tactical strike force that the Lord will send into the darkness.

   Darkness is simply the absence of light. Light is greater than darkness. As the Apostle John revealed, when the light of Christ shines, darkness cannot comprehend it, nor can darkness apprehend it (John 1:4).

    Prophecy can shine its light upon any darkness. It can reveal the true identity of a person, their gifting and their purpose as God has ordained. Prophecy reveals the hidden treasures in people, and that which is unseen is unearthed by the light of a timely prophetic word.

   Prophecy spoken in love reveals the Father’s heart - His heart has a voice.    When someone hears His voice, it awakens their heart to the reality that the Father sees them, cares for them and knows them.

   When God speaks to someone through a vessel, the light and power of His word breaks depression, discouragement, false perceptions, curses, and bondage, and imparts healing, truth, wisdom and understanding.

    When you hear the “Who who,” hoot of the Owl, ask the Lord if the “Who” is you being called into prophetic ministry to shine as a light in the darkness.

In His grace,   Roy Roden"

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